Liebster Award

I am delighted to accept a Liebster Award from alittletypical! Thank you kindly for this wonderful surprise!


The Liebster Award recognizes and promotes sites with less than 200 followers. Once you have received the award, it becomes your turn to show appreciation for those that inspire you. The rules are simple:

  • Acknowledge the thoughtful blogger who nominated you
  • Answer the 10 questions s/he has asked
  • Nominate 10 other fabulous blogs for the award
  • Whip up 10 questions of your own – get creative!
  • Notify your honorees of their nomination

Again, thank you alittletypical for recognizing FOLKLORE. Now, it’s my turn to fulfill my duties as a new Liebster Award winner.

Questions asked of me:

  1. Are you a dog- or cat-lover? Dogs. Nothing against cats, I’m just allergic to them.
  2. Are you a diehard Apple, Android mobile phone user or neither of them? Apple all the way.
  3. Are you a morning person? Sure. After a delicious cup of Earl Grey, I am ready for anything!
  4. What is your favourite colour? I do love a light grey, but navy is my go-to color.
  5. What is/are your pet name(s) called by your family members? I go by many names, but my brother calls me “Lomens” and I find it most amusing.
  6. What is your best childhood memory? Why? When a dirty, little stray beagle showed up at our house on a snowy February day. She was the color of a bright copper penny. We named her Lucky and she decided to stay for 12 years.
  7. Name one thing you could never (or have a difficult time) forgive someone for. Ugg boots.
  8. Who is the most important person of your life? DJ – my partner in life and in mischief.
  9. Write about something that you learned recently. There are two main varieties of paprika.
  10. Use five adjectives to describe yourself. Creative. Spunky. Enthusiastic. Loving. Intellectual.

My nominees:

Yes, that’s only 8. But those are 8 blogs I truly enjoy.

My questions:

  1. What is your favorite pattern (plaid, houndstooth, stripes, etc.)?
  2. Breakfast, lunch or dinner?
  3. If you had to pick only one album to listen to for an entire year, what would it be?
  4. What is your favorite planet in the solar system?
  5. How would you describe your ideal weather?
  6. Where would you like to travel next?
  7. What’s your favorite animal?
  8. If you were a DJ (emcee), what would your stage name be?
  9. Who is your favorite author?
  10. What inspired you to create a blog?

Congratulations to the nominees! If you do not choose to participate, that’s quite alright. I just wanted to recognize some of my favorite sites. Keep on posting!


  1. Great idea nominating Jane in Berlin. I love that blog! And happy to hear that there is an award for little blogs; what a wonderful idea. I like little blogs best.

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